konferensi genoa (1922) bahasa Inggris
- konferensi: conference; discussion; negotiation; talk;
- genoa: genoa; genova
- republik genoa: republic of genoa
- wilayah genoa: province of genoa
- konferensi: conference; discussion; negotiation; talk; discourse
- keuskupan agung genoa: roman catholic archdiocese of genoa
- komun di wilayah genoa: list of municipalities of the metropolitan city of genoa
- orang dari genoa: people from genoa
- pelatih genoa c.f.c.: genoa c.f.c. managers
- pemain genoa c.f.c.: genoa c.f.c. players
- skuad genoa c.f.c.: genoa c.f.c. squad
- skuat genoa c.f.c.: genoa c.f.c. squad
- filem 1922: 1922 films
- kelahiran 1922: 1922 births
- kematian 1922: 1922 deaths